Drinking bottled water requires "three attentions"


Due to the increasing temperature, people can easily experience symptoms such as general malaise, loss of appetite, easy sweating, and drowsiness during hot summer days. Therefore, having a reasonable diet in this hot summer will be very helpful to alleviate the above symptoms. The editor of Life Home has specially collected the knowledge of diet and health suitable for you this summer, and customized the summer healthy diet for you!

   In recent years, due to the convenience of drinking, bottled water has "walked" into more and more families and units. Experts reminded that there are three "attentions" to drink bottled water.

  One must pay attention to the quality of the water dispenser. The selected drinking fountains should pass the inspection of the health department and obtain the health permit approval issued by the health administrative department.

   Second, pay attention to the hygienic quality of bottled water. To buy bottled water with complete food hygiene license and inspection certificate. In addition, it can be distinguished from the look and feel. The high-quality pure water is clean, colorless and transparent, without suspended matter and sediment, not sticky, and no odor.

  Three should pay attention to keep the water dispenser clean. If the water dispenser is used for a long time without paying attention to cleaning and disinfection, the water storage tank, water channel and water outlet of the water dispenser will deposit dirt, causing secondary pollution of the bottled water. Consumers should regularly clean and disinfect the drinking fountains, generally in the summer once every three months and once every six months in winter.
